
Initiate Pages

These pages are for those who have enrolled in Eckankar’s Spiritual Living Courses.
All are welcome to explore the benefits of the ECK courses and initiation here


The calendar below shows events that are for members of Eckankar. If you are not a member of Eckankar, but are interested in Satsang discourses, classes and membership, click here to learn more. Events that are open to the public can be found here.

ECK Spiritual Aide Sessions:

ESA or ECK Spiritual Aide session, though not counseling, can help you find your own answers in challenging situations through the personal guidance of Divine Spirit. The session is conducted by an ECK Spiritual Aide, (ESA) who is an ECK cleric specially appointed and trained to offer this assistance. There are no fees for the above services. An ECK Spiritual Aide session is available to anyone (member or non-member). To arrange for an ESA session, contact SSD@eckankar-essa.org.au

Spiritual Services Director 

Information and Resources:


ECKANKAR Society of Southern Australia

Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 063-124
Account: 10029319

Direct Debit Donations.

A great way to donate to Eckankar Society of Southern Australia.

Your bank can arrange regular automatic donations or through your personal electronic banking.

For irregular donations ask your bank to enable Direct Deposit.
Name of the bank, BSB and Account number are shown above.

Please include in the reference: the word “Donation” or your name if you choose.


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